I can not deny that Christianity has had a great influence on the Western world, and on the development of our civilization. Many people have had personal experiences that have changed their lives, and much good has been done in the name of God. Unfortunately, I don't believe that Christianity is true.
Why do I believe such an absurd thing? That's a question that has caused me to write this document, in an effort to coalesce my thoughts on the matter. There are several problems that I have with Christianity, and the points below are examples of my thoughts on them.
Other cultures (some predating Christianity) have similarities with Christianity, such as worship of a cross, flood stories, trinitarian worship, and saviors born of virgins. This makes me suspect that Christianity is an amalgamation of pagan influences. An example of this is that Genesis depicts the snake, a pagan symbol of immortality, and an apple, which makes a pagan star when cut crosswise.
As an example, Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld, was born of a virgin and was killed by a rival god Seth, who chopped his body into pieces. His body was then re-formed by Isis, and he was brought back from the dead.
Mithras (or Mithra) was the Persian sun god. He was born of a virgin on the 25th of December, and his worshipers practiced baptism, confirmation, and a supper at which they would partake of their god through eating bread and wine. "Like Christians, the Mithraists believed that their savior had descended from heaven to earth; had shared a last supper with 12 followers; had redeemed mankind from sin by shedding blood; and had risen from the dead. They even baptized their converts [though in bull's blood] to wash away past sins." (Quest for the Past)
"Like many other such deities Tammuz...had been born of a virgin, died with a wound in his side and, after three days, rose from his tomb, leaving it vacant with the rock at the entrance rolled aside....It is significant that Bethlehem was not only David's city, but also the ancient center of a Tammuz cult, with a shrine that remained active will into biblical times." (Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy)
Hinduism has the trinity of "Tri-murti" consisting of Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. They are worshiped as one god.
Our Ever Living and All Sustaining God talks to me like one person to another. I ask Him something and supplicate Him and He answers in words full of power. If this should happen a thousand times, He does not fail to answer. In His words, He discloses wonderful hidden matters and displays scenes of extraordinary powers till He makes it clear that He alone is the One Who should be called God. He accepts prayers and intimates their acceptance. He resolves great difficulties and through repeated supplications, revives those who are sick unto death. He discloses all these designs in advance through His word which relate to future events. He proves that He is the God of heaven and earth. (p. 82)
I would add to this the following points:
Omniscience raises some questions about the nature of God: If God foresaw Eve's mistake, why didn't he put a guard around the tree before she had the chance to eat of the fruit? If he sees everything, did he not see the snake tempting them? If he really wanted to have Adam and Eve with him forever in paradise, why didn't he stop the snake?
If God did not create evil, then there must be a more powerful "Meta-God" that did create it.
The Gazzaniggia split brain experiments and other psychological studies have shown that people's personalities and cognitive functions are a result of the chemical and physical makeup of their brains. Doctors can evoke a "religious experience" by delivering electricity to a certain point in the brain. What is the soul, where is it located, and what does it do?
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